Teaching older people requires skills that are not a given if you only have a basic training and a maturity you might lack as a new teacher. My teaching has definitely improved with age (and 20 years of experience!) to a more mature approach to movement and health, and with further training on osteoporosis, exercise for the elderly, fascia release and energy work I can teach safely any body. It’s only natural for older teachers to relate better to older clients. Essentially choose a knowledgeable teacher that inspires and motivates you and have fun!
The Pilates classes at The Garage Studio are taught by professional, knowledgeable and experienced teachers so you know you are in safe hands!
Hilary Potkewitz of The Wall Street Journal agrees with the mature teacher choice: https://www.wsj.com/articles/forget-the-hotshot-trainer-with-the-six-pack-boomers-want-mature-fitness-coaches-11554557400