Pilates New Year Resolution

Make Pilates a New Year Resolution!

Pilates is a great way to start your journey to a fitter healthier you.

10 reasons to choose Pilates:

  1. Pilates is ideal for total beginners and is taught in a non-competitive and safe environment. The basic Pilates exercises are very simple, but effective.
  2. Pilates concentrates on good posture and movement so benefits every day life.
  3. Learning how to use your body well will make you more aware, so less likely to injure yourself.
  4. Pilates benefits any sports or activity you enjoy, i.e. gardening, dancing, cycling, running… by strengthening targeted areas.
  5. Pilates is a body-mind technique using the mind to build the body. Concentrating on how to release unnecessary tensions and exercising in a relaxed way will help release mental stress.
  6. Pilates welcome all. Exercises are performed at your own pace. Progression from basic through intermediate to advanced exercises is carefully monitored.
  7. Pilates improves body shape from day one. Better posture creates leaner, taller body and flatter tummy.
  8. Pilates increases flexibility, mobility, core strength and balance so is great for back pain. It’s the ideal remedial method for classic injuries and pains such as frozen shoulders, neck tension, muscle spasms, headache, RSI, lower back pain…
  9. Pilates is safe, enjoyable and efficient. Results last which is why so many people stick to it.
  10. Pilates is very versatile. Physiotherapists and Osteopaths recommend Pilates exercises for remedial purposes, Athletes and Coaches for increased performance.

    Bonus points: Clients attend Pilates classes regularly so it’s a great way to make friends!

    So whether you want to start exercising again, recover from an injury, move better, get body confidence, join a Pilates class!

    Find out more about Pilates in Mortlake / Sheen on our Pilates page.

    First class free!

    Pilates New Year Resolution

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