We offer a range of prices for Movement and Pilates Classes for South West London.
There are packages for everyone.
Single class: £20,
Packs: 4 = £75, 10 = £180
Single Pilates Flow: £16,
Packs 4 Pilates Flow = £60
Single £16
Packs 4 = £60
Monthly Subscriptions (by Direct Debit – cancel anytime):
Unlimited online and studio: £150
Twice weekly online and studio: £120
Once weekly online and studio: £65
Unlimited online only: £65
Class Library only: £22
Mums&Babies Pilates: Single class £20 or Mums fitness pack – course of 5 classes for £75 (valid 2 months)
Pregnancy Yoga should be booked directly with Lauren at info@lg-pilates.com or 07397 040513
Pregnancy Yoga should be booked directly with Natalie at nataliemeddings@googlemail.com or 07976 261542
Private: £85 for a single session; £410 for 5; £800 for 10
Semi-private: £55 for a single session; £260 for 5; £500 for 10
Book directly: info@thegaragestudio.co.uk